Welcome to Nirodha Karma Healing!
Does your life ever seem conspicuously bound by patterns that emerge then
re-emerge over and over again?
re-emerge over and over again?
The sages of the East named these patterns karma. The word karma is defined in the Sanskrit as volitional action. Often karma is thought of as something good or bad that happens to us because of what we have done before, either in this life or another incarnation. It is often thought of as a kind of punishment or reward system of cosmic justice. A more correct understanding of karma is that karma is our activity, not some force acting upon us. It is what we are doing now in relationship to what we were doing before.
Say that a person was a poor farmer in another life. That person was not only poor, but also felt very poor and identified with being poor. Then when this person is reborn they bring the vibration of poverty with them in their Light Body. They start to vibrate poverty right away as soon as they are born and probably will be poor their whole life unless they find a way to feel abundant and are able to change this “poor” vibration somehow.
This kind of soul identification forms most karma patterns. This false identification with the conditions and qualities of life causes all suffering. When these identifications, attitudes and perspectives become internalized as vibrations in our individual Light Body they form what the sages call samskaras.
Say that a person was a poor farmer in another life. That person was not only poor, but also felt very poor and identified with being poor. Then when this person is reborn they bring the vibration of poverty with them in their Light Body. They start to vibrate poverty right away as soon as they are born and probably will be poor their whole life unless they find a way to feel abundant and are able to change this “poor” vibration somehow.
This kind of soul identification forms most karma patterns. This false identification with the conditions and qualities of life causes all suffering. When these identifications, attitudes and perspectives become internalized as vibrations in our individual Light Body they form what the sages call samskaras.
We all carry a unique set of samskaras that emanate from our Light Body and shape our lives.
Our beliefs, behavior, and energy patterns are unconsciously generated and shaped by these samskara vibrations. We sing the karma song made from these samskara notes. Each person’s unique combination of samskaras creates and sustains their karma patterns. In this way we emanate ourselves into existence.
For many years I noticed these re-emergent patterns (in myself as well as others) and wondered what could be done to change them. Since childhood I have been able to see auras. Over time I noticed the colors and energy patterns of auras coincided with patterns in peoples’ lives. I perceived these patterns as the very samskaras that the sages had written about.
In 1984 while working as a chiropractor I began to use special kinesthesiology methods to back up my visual insights and became able to identify and name an individual’s specific karma patterns or karma types. After I began to name the karma types such as orphan, widow, slave,and many others, I sought some method to try to stop them from vibrating in the Light Body.
One day a profound discovery arose while working with a chiropractic client. He and I determined that he had terrible slave karma.
He was digging ditches for a living while being underpaid and abused by his bosses. I was able to guide him into a special state of consciousness called “nirodha” which is Sanskrit for “cessation.” Nirodha is the state of consciousness that ends karma by stopping the vibration or the samskaras that vibrate the karma types into existence.
After his session he started his own business and increased his income tenfold. He thanked me for taking his “slave karma” out. I remember feeling grateful that I might have found a new and authentic way to help end human suffering and within two years was practicing this new method on everyone who came to me. I have now done over 12,000 sessions working with hundreds of karma types. I found that each individual carries many karma types.
For many years I noticed these re-emergent patterns (in myself as well as others) and wondered what could be done to change them. Since childhood I have been able to see auras. Over time I noticed the colors and energy patterns of auras coincided with patterns in peoples’ lives. I perceived these patterns as the very samskaras that the sages had written about.
In 1984 while working as a chiropractor I began to use special kinesthesiology methods to back up my visual insights and became able to identify and name an individual’s specific karma patterns or karma types. After I began to name the karma types such as orphan, widow, slave,and many others, I sought some method to try to stop them from vibrating in the Light Body.
One day a profound discovery arose while working with a chiropractic client. He and I determined that he had terrible slave karma.
He was digging ditches for a living while being underpaid and abused by his bosses. I was able to guide him into a special state of consciousness called “nirodha” which is Sanskrit for “cessation.” Nirodha is the state of consciousness that ends karma by stopping the vibration or the samskaras that vibrate the karma types into existence.
After his session he started his own business and increased his income tenfold. He thanked me for taking his “slave karma” out. I remember feeling grateful that I might have found a new and authentic way to help end human suffering and within two years was practicing this new method on everyone who came to me. I have now done over 12,000 sessions working with hundreds of karma types. I found that each individual carries many karma types.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING focuses the power of conscious radiant intentionality to awaken the Light Body from the vibrations that emanate the karma types into being.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING is considerably different from other healing methods.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING is considerably different from other healing methods.
Positive thinking techniques and other types of transformational methods usually try to reprogram the mind and emotions. The state of nirodha causes the karma types to cease vibrating and cease creating the karma patterns into existence.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING works very much like awakening from a bad dream and finding that you are not a slave, orphan or defeated warrior but completely free to make your own life the way you want it to be.
As when a person suffers in a dream, the dream-suffering loses its validity quickly after awakening and there is relief from the pain and suffering of the dream. Just so, with nirodha comes the cessation of the dreaming of the samskaras into existence. Disengaging the energetic activity tied up in sustaining the samskaras allows the discovery and emergence of the positive karma (known as dharma), which awakens the true purpose of life and existence. These dharma types are carried into each incarnation but often are hidden or blocked in their full function because the samskaras of the karmas require so much energy to sustain.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING allows the dharma types of the healer, musician, writer, artist, dancer, scholar, leader and all of the many wonderful creative manifestations of human existence to come to full expression. When the samskara vibrations are brought to nirodha, our souls awaken from bondage and we become free to manifest the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING allows the dharma types of the healer, musician, writer, artist, dancer, scholar, leader and all of the many wonderful creative manifestations of human existence to come to full expression. When the samskara vibrations are brought to nirodha, our souls awaken from bondage and we become free to manifest the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.
NIRODHA KARMA HEALING sessions are interesting, life-changing and transformational.
Through the discovery of our karma and dharma, self-understanding and self-compassion arise ending inner conflict and unwanted life patterns. We awaken into integrated wholeness, self-realization and authentic freedom from our dreams of limitation. Explore the landscape of the soul and discover all you really are. Feel the joyful lightness of being from NIRODHA KARMA HEALING.
Through the discovery of our karma and dharma, self-understanding and self-compassion arise ending inner conflict and unwanted life patterns. We awaken into integrated wholeness, self-realization and authentic freedom from our dreams of limitation. Explore the landscape of the soul and discover all you really are. Feel the joyful lightness of being from NIRODHA KARMA HEALING.
or write to me at:
[email protected]